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Are You Ready for the Third World War?


The United States the worlds dominant superpower is lying on its deathbed.

For a long time, the US was a good friend around the world. After the Second World War it opened up its arms to freedom. Former US President, Ronald Regan famously said to the world, tear down this particular wall from West Berlin.

Years later on, Germany was reunited. Communism failed and capitalism exploded.

US geopolitical, economic, financial, and military power was completely unchallenged. And it would remain that way for years.

Unfortunately, the times possess changed.

The US economy is actually weakening. Its debt amounts are high. And its interest rates are hovering around historical lows.

Soon, within this decade, the united states will no longer hold the reserve forex status. And this means that substantial changes are on the horizon

The very first change will be geopolitical

Its really unfortunate that All of us politicians dont listen to their beginning fathers. George Washington stated in 1796 at his farewell speech:

The great rule associated with conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending the commercial relations, to have together as little political connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good belief. Here let us stop.

Of program, the political religion associated with?US President Barack Obama and most from the?political class? is that its Americas?moral duty?to be involved in other nations business.

Today, the US remains the worlds leading military power. But its prominence is rapidly being chipped away. Its my way or the highway mindset has frustrated many nations. Especially countries in the Middle East

Historically, US involvement in the Middle East is finished in disaster. The past year has proven no different

In the last 12 months, US forces have conducted over 7,000 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria. The official mission has been to wipe out Islamic State (Is actually).

Awkwardly, this hasnt happened.

Instead, US airstrikes possess caused more harm than good. With bombs and missiles flying everywhere, the Syrian refugee crisis was born a situation thats gone from bad to worse.

Unfortunately, theres been no official response to this humanitarian crisis. Other than to keep bombing Syria, that is

And no doubt, this course of action will lead to more mayhem.

Especially now that Russian warplanes are involved in Syria.

Russia started bombing Islamic State on 30 Sept. And while US officials possess accused Moscow of acting wrongly, it only took the Russians 24 hours to do what they couldnt. A minimum of according to Russian Major Common Igor Konashenkov, as reported by RT:

Our aviation group in the last day has destroyed 2 militant command centers, 29 field camps, 23 fortified facilities and several troop positions with military hardware.

Theres only one goal within Syria

The US wants to topple Syrian Leader Bashar Hafez al-Assad. This plan wont change. The US really wants to install its own puppet politician in Syria. Other Western leaders have rose on board with this policy.

And surprise the mainstream media is actually backing the official political story. A story that accuses Assad of attacking his own citizens with chemical weapons.

Thats despite the fact that theres no proof that this ever happened. The actual evidence points towards the terrorist attack. This is why Russia, a key ally of Assad, along with China have opposed military intervention inside Syria.

With this barrier in place, Barrack Obama has had absolutely no choice but to impose his no boots on the ground policy. Of course, this policy goes against the wishes of the US government and Obama himself. In time, theres without doubt in my mind that it will change.

In the meantime, theres been no shortage associated with tough talk by Traditional western leaders. And to stir the pot, US officials have been forced to come up with other ideas. Such as spending nearly US$500 million training Syrian rebels to fight IS.

Unfortunately, this didnt turn out as planned.

General Lloyd Austin, who leads the US military’s Central Command, recently informed the US Senate Armed Services Committee:?The [number of Syrian rebels] that are in the fight, were talking four or five.

What an absolute stuff upward. For the price of half a billion US dollars, there are four or five Syrian rebels fighting Islamic State.

Following the large quantity of attention on this poor policy, and Russias effective military procedure, the US recently suspended this program.

Instead, it will airdrop ammunition in the middle of the desert. And it just fallen 50 tonnes of ammo out of the sky. (Which you wish gets in the hands of the right individuals.)

According to the Whitehouse, it was a successful mission. Anti-Islamic State coalition spokesman Colonel Steve Warren informed the ABC:

[The airdrop reached] Syrian Arab groups whose leaders appropriately were vetted by the United States and also have been fighting to remove ISIL.

Dont flash an eye

While Im not sure what will occur next, one fact is guaranteed this story is not more than.

In fact, its likely that the worst is yet to come.

Times are changing. The old structure in the world a system dominated by the US government, US banks, and the US buck is coming to an end.

The US Kingdom and economy are decreasing. If history is dependable, their leaders will do whatever it takes in which to stay power.

And typically, when an economy turns down politicians 03 their people off to war. I dont want a world battle to happen any more than you do, were talking about politicians that are detached from the modern day world.

Ill be talking about this story in additional depth next week in Resource Speculator. There are fortunes to be made for people who comprehend these trends and are able to get out in front of them. Ill suggest one or two Aussie stocks which you can use to do exactly that. When this battle takes a turn for the even worse, these companies should profit hugely.

If you want to know more, you can start right here.

Jason Stevenson,

Resources Analyst, Resource Speculator

From the Port Phillip Publishing Library

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